Digital Asset Management: How efficient is your handling of media content?

Images, videos, presentations, design files or PDF documents are omnipresent in corporate communications. But what is so special about companies and organizations that use media content successfully and efficiently? And what turns content into digital assets?


Product development: PowerPoint Plug-In

Simplify work processes:

The Pixelboxx-DAM-Extension for PowerPoint allows to search for images directly within the program and to integrate them into a presentation. You benefit from our strategy of functional integration.


Using a media library as a portal

Why a media library as a portal?

A challenge for many companies is that the same media are needed again and again in the most diverse places. In many cases, this is a subset of the media that is provided in an optimized way for a specific target group.


Why Jan owes a promotion to the introduction of a DAM system

This is Jan, today. 35 years old, married and two children. He works as a marketing specialist in a wholesale company. There he is responsible for the production of the weekly advertising brochures. In the past, Jan's typical working day looked like this:

At half past eight, after a one-hour drive along the crowded highway, Jan's working day begins. The traffic jam cost him half an hour. He already knows what a hectic day ahead of him. The time could have been good. Now it has literally fallen by the wayside.  
